Friday, March 4, 2011

day 2 Jenny Craig

and its actually feeling


I have yet to use the website Jenny Craig... but might need to sometime soon

since i am NEW at this WHOle thing its TAKING a lot for me to realize that i had a eating problem..

HI MY name is Brittany...." I am a CARB-O-HOLIC" lol

WEll good NEWs is that the food they have me eating right now is AWESOME!
I feel my pants already downsizing..
(well not really but will soon!)

TOMORROW is my first WEigh in (not like two days does a whole lot)

Here is what I ate for Lunch

Since I didnt have any fruits for veggies left yesterday.... I was suppose to go to the store and well life got in the way lol so i do HAVE to go tomorrow!

With this I have my ANYTIME Bar
(which when I stop eating the Jenny food....I will conitue with those they taste great and fill me UP!)


whats in your lunch bag today??


  1. oatmeal muffins...homemade
    you should do before and during pics

  2. I brought a homemade taco salad for lunch today and it was good but I wish I made dressing too!

    I hope you like the Jenny Craig program. I heard it was a great way to learn about portion sizes.

  3. A sandwich of whole wheat and that pnut flour it's so good and full of protein.

  4. I love how excited you are for this. That's great for motivation. Keep it up!

  5. I brought a salad today. It was yummy!

  6. I had a tuna wrap with vegetables also.

  7. I had some beans with buffalo meat, crackers, and a homemade muffin with peanut butter!

  8. I love me some carbs too :) But I'm trying to ween myself off all the bagels I've been eating recently!

  9. : ) thanks you all sounds like you guys have some great ideas !!!! It so hard but reading your blogs help!


"Some say the glass is half full, some say the glass is half empty. I say “Are you gonna drink that?”