Friday, February 4, 2011

A nice Frozen Treat

For US in CAlifornia some days are NOt always 75 with a slight breeze (though a lot of days are...sorry)

YEsterday I was sTUFFED so I had left my EXTra Emergency Banana in the CAR
(actually I truly forgot it was in there..)

SO thiS morning As I ran out the door and REALIZEd I forgot Breakfast (as usual!)

I thought YAHOO I have my BANANAS!!!!

HIt the ROad then OPened my Tasty BReakfast to only Realize

it was frozen.... (well pretty close to it!)

SO after I was licking IT because I LOVE FROZEN bananas
(I saw how not so great that probably looks to others viewing inside my car...they didn't know it was frozen like me LOL)

SO I took a bite... I was good but didn't really fill me up thiS am

WEnt to WORK and MAde some

tasty oatmeal!
That HIT the SPOT!!!

OH well this has nothing to do with anything BUT lol...I seem to have a PRETTY bad COFFEE mug COllection IN my CAR!!!!(how did it get like this from yesterday to this morning...I am not sure)

BUT I see cleaning my car in my near future (like tomorrow!) and return the Redbox movie that has been sitting there for 3 days lol!
cant stand driving while its dirty inside.

What IS COllectING in YOUR CAR??

* Right now my collection is COFFEE MUGS!!!!



  1. Clothes! I have clothes in my car since I go to the gym every day after work and I have to empty them every couple of days.

  2. Too funny about the banana. If I saw you licking your banana, I so would've whipped out my phone and twittered that. Ha!
    I've got kiddie toys collecting in my car...sigh. They seem to take over everything you own, don't they? Have a great weekend, dear!

  3. water bottles and gum can tell what I do while driving!

  4. HAHAH! that so funny glad everyone has a problem as well : )! lequan- mine does have kid stuff as well...they take over every square inch!!!
    one healthy apple-wish it was gym clothes...hmmm good to think about I gotta go work out soon!! (tonight)

  5. I seem to collect coffee cups in my car as well. Not that that's a bad thing, actually, because that's just more coffee for me to drink!

  6. Frozen yougurt napkins, the only thing I leave behind.

  7. I have no car, so nothing..haha :) apparently it would be handy if i had some bananas though!

  8. I keep my xtra bags of dry dog food there.....otherwise the mice might get them if left in the garage.

  9. I think dust is collecting on my dashboard & salt is collecting on my mats. : ( It's winter time & I do not tough it out to clean my car. Otherwise its very clean, although I do have a very large change collection. Your post actually made me want to have a frozen banana dipped in chocolate...

  10. Darling! Very resourceful. I have tissues, CDs, essential oils to dab in car so smells good and a
    xxx to you- Emily from EL Vintage

  11. Lot's of water bottles.


"Some say the glass is half full, some say the glass is half empty. I say “Are you gonna drink that?”